Tuesday 12 July 2011

27.06.2011 - 03.07.2011 UK - week 13

 I worked the first week Mum and Dad and Roger were here but still managed to fit in a few pub trips after work! On Saturday we went for Chinese for lunch then on Sunday had a family roast before Mum, Dad and I set off for Scotland and Roger flew back to the USA. We stayed 2 nights in Ambleside in the Lakes District on the way to Scotland. We were so lucky with the weather and arrived in bright blue sunshine - very speccy!
  I'm afraid the photos are rather repetative towards the end but it was so pretty in the Lakes District!

I arrived home from work and was greeted with "oh good you're home we can go to the pub now!" so off we went to the Red Lion! Roger, Dad, Mum, Nan  and Grampa

Roger and Dad enjoying a pint of Tangle Foot

On the weekend we went to the nearby Chinese restaraunt for lunch - Kei's YUM!

When we got back from lunch we sat in the garden with some evening beverages and this hot air balloon drifted over head!

Nan, Grampa and Mum checking out the hot air balloon!

After a few beverages dad decided to test out Nan's 4 wheel walker that he had been sitting on due to a lack of chairs - he attempted to wheel around while sitting on it and this was the result...

Our last family lunch before Mum, Dad and I drove to Scotland and Roger flew back to the USA: Nan, Roger, me, Grampa, Dad and Thea - mum taking photo

The view out the car window, arriving in Ambleside - the Lakes District

The view out the car window, arriving in Ambleside - the Lakes District

The view out the car window, arriving in Ambleside - the Lakes District

The view from our Youth Hostel window in Ambleside

The jetty in front of the Youth Hostel

Our accommodation in Ambleside
Panorama of our dinner spot by the edge of the lake
Dinner by the edge of the lake - dad and I

Evening light - our dinner spot

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake
Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Mum and dad walking back to the Youth Hostel

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake

Evening light over the lake


Evening light over the lake

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